Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Enjoying baby Owen (I know these pics are getting old, but I wanted to post them anyway)

Taking brother for a ride. Helping Mommy with the gardening (it's funny to remember when she was 1-2 and ripping out the flowers as I planted them, but now at 4 1/2 she tries to do everything she see's me do and is actually pretty good at doing most things. She can zip the back of her own dress!! Which is pretty impressive to watch!)

Some serious art going on here!!

Wish this wasn't blurry! Wyatt tries to do anything he see's sister do, so he is doing many things quite a bit earlier than I expected! Like climbing up on the couch with a coloring book and crayon and coloring! Other news is he is officially walking all the time now and practically running! No crawling at all as of this last week. He loves to wave Bye Bye and peek around corners and give a really toothy funny grin with scrunched eyes (very funny!) He walks around the house holding his play phone on the back of his head and pointing and jabbering away!

Wyatt and his friend Daniel and their big sisters in the background.

Chloe's preschool class field trip to Grandma and Grandpa's farm. Chloe and her Grandma Horsey.

Feeding the llama.

Meeting new cousin Emmett for the first time! What a cutie! (We had fun with him and his big brother and mom and dad this weekend too!)


Wyatt wasn't sure what to think about mama holding Emmett (these two are almost exactly one year apart)