These pics are a couple months old, but thought I would post them anyway. Current happenings are that Wyatt cut his first tooth yesterday!
Lunch with friends from left Sue (my midwife that delivered Chloe and Wyatt), Sarah, Karina, and Liz with Wyatt as our centerpiece!
Lunch with friends from left Sue (my midwife that delivered Chloe and Wyatt), Sarah, Karina, and Liz with Wyatt as our centerpiece!
Rich and Marilyn enjoy Wyatt.
Maddy and Chloe at the hot springs.
Kari, Wyatt and I =), and Sara
Chloe, Lauren, and Chloe's grandma
Lauren and Wyatt
Shane, Deanna, and Eli came out for Deanna's 10 yr class reunion. Eli had fun playing in Chloe's castle with her!