These pics are mostly from July and Aug. but I will attempt to get up to date soon! We sure enjoyed our boat this summer!

Wyatt likes to eat his life jacket!

Our Cute little nephew Michael and his mommy Mandy .

A picnic at the park with Mandy and her mom Mary, me and my mom, our baby boys, and the three girls Brenna, Chloe, and Isabella!

It was fun to finally get the baby boys together and take some pictures!! Only two months apart in age!

Wyatt and Michael
baby cousins

This picture makes me laugh because it looks like they are having their first wrestling match....

and like Wyatt is pulling Michael's hair!

Brother and sister. The other day Chloe was sitting at the counter having a snack and I was holding Wyatt on the other side of the counter and they were looking across the counter laughing and giggling at each other for the longest time- sharing some sibling joke I guess!

It was great to have Jan and Aaron and kids and Randy and Amy and kids come for some fishing and fun! Here is Tionna, Chloe, and Kaylee at the beach on one of the most warm and beautiful evenings I have ever seen at LaPush! It was also Quileute days, so there was a fireworks show at sunset.

Jan and Aaron

Trevon, Chloe, Tessa, and Tyler

Amy and Randy

Enjoying Salt creek. The water stuck in those little inlets off the ocean was so warm!

Lauren, Karina, Chloe, and Arthur checking out the crabs they caught.

This shallow water was as warm as a bathtub- Wyatt loved it!

Yet another day at the beach, only this time cold and blustery, but that makes no difference to Chloe!

Mama and Wyatt

Like I said- makes no difference to Chloe!!

Happy Boy!

I love these baby days- little baby feet, the smell of baby lotion and diaper cream, The giggles and coos, all the smiles in the morning, his soft, dark, warm little head nestled in my shoulder before I lay him down at night-but they are flying by...

Ever since aunt Debbie and Dennis got married Chloe has been periodically pretending to get married- this is one of her "wedding outfits" (notice the pink scarf for her veil) she gets herself all duded up like this (she does not need or want our help anymore for any part of dressing! In fact she changes her outfit SEVERAL times a day! =/ ) Anyway, she was marrying her teddy bear on this day- notice it also has a dress on! Many times she has said to Jeff at dinner time- "Daddy, after dinner will you marry me?" Well, who can resist that?!

Too cute for words!!